Friday, November 18, 2011

And now for something completely different! The Firefly Case!


Here's a little something I threw together in one afternoon for a friend. He had a bunch of shiny new computer parts, but needed a shiny new case. Unfortunately all we had was a beat up older case. In its original form, the case was pretty cool, but kind of bland.

Spray paint to the rescue!
I primed the gutted case with a flat gray spray paint and then used a combination of bronze and aged bronze paints to get the weathered look I wanted. I removed the plexi side panel to keep it pristine and masked off the leds and face panels.

Using removable contact paper I created a stencil of the characters on the side of Serenity from the show Firefly. (Which is a brilliant show. If you haven't seen it, please give it a whirl.)

Being careful to avoid distortion, I applied the giant sticker stencil to the plexi, and then I sprayed the plexi with a "frosted" paint.

Put the pieces back together and we had a shiny new case!

And the plexi side nicely shows off the lovely inner workings of Serenity.

Things to remember:
Rome wasn't built in a day, but, with enough caffeine, Serenity could be.